University Committees

Faculty Budget Committee


Note: Please see Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(3)(a) for more information about this committee's role in shared governance.


The Faculty Budget Committee reports to the Faculty Senate.

 *  To participate in the development of 足彩平台 budget policies, needs, and priorities in conjunction with academic planning agencies by serving on standing university committees such as the Strategic Planning and Budget Committee.

* To recommend budgetary guidelines in the categories of staffing priorities, and the allocation of monies for salaries and capital expenditures.

* To recommend policies for the implementation, by the colleges, of University budget policies.

*All reports and recommendations of this committee shall be made to the Faculty Senate and simultaneously circulated to the faculty.


6 voting members
One faculty member elected from and by each constituency:

  • College of Arts and Communication/Library

  • College of Business and Economics

  • College of Education and Professional Studies

  •  College of Integrated Studies

  •  College of Letters and Sciences

  • One faculty member at-large, to serve as Chairperson of the Committee, elected by all University faculty

1 ex-officio non-voting member:

  • Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs or designee


Two-year staggered terms as follows:

  • Arts & Communication/Library representative, Integrated Studies representative, and the Letters and Sciences representative elected in odd-numbered years.

  • At-large representative, the Business and Economics representative, and the Education and Professional Studies representative elected in even-numbered years.

Current Committee Membership


Adopted at All-Faculty Meeting 2024-03-19; page revised 2024-03-19