College of Education & Professional Studies
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Julie Minikel-Lacocque

Julie Minikel-Lacocque profile picture

Instructor for:

  • CIGENRL 350/550: Introduction to ESL & Bilingual Education (combined undergraduate and graduate course)*
  • CINGENRL 354: Critical Perspectives on Bilingual Learners in Schools (undergraduate course)
  • CIGENRL 455/655: Teaching Content in the Bilingual Classroom (combined undergraduate and graduate course)
  • CIGENRL 725: Curriculum Development and Integration (graduate, online course)
  • EDUINDP 250: Race and Racism in Schools (undergraduate course)*
  • INTRAUNV 104: New Student Seminar
  • Supervisor for Field Study and Student Teaching Experiences
*U.S. Racial/Ethnic Diversity designation

Educational Background:

BA, Carleton College, Northfield, MN: 1995
MAT, The School for International Training, Brattleboro, VT: 2002
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison: 2009

Research Interests:

Race and racism in schools; College access and the transition to college for underrepresented students; Financial aid & low-income students in higher education; Urban education; Social constructions of "success" in school for racial and linguistic minorities; K-12 pathways to and preparation for college; Qualitative Methodologies; Programs and policies related to college preparation and access.


Minikel-Lacocque, J.  2015.  Getting College Ready: Latin@ Student Experiences of Race, Access, and Belonging at Predominantly White Universities.  New York, NY:  Peter Lang Publishing.

Minikel-Lacocque, J. 2015. “You See the Whole Tree, Not Just the Stump:” Religious Fundamentalism, Capital, and Public Schooling. Curriculum Inquiry,45(2), 176-197.

Minikel-Lacocque, J. 2013. "Racism, College, And The Power of Words: Racial Microaggressions Reconsidered." American Educational Research Journal, 50(3), 432-465.

Minikel-Lacocque, J. 2013. "Confessions of a Wannabe Homeschooler." Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 14(3).

Minikel-Lacocque, J. (In progress). "Comparing In-Depth Qualitative Interviewing and the Therapeutic Process: Dilemmas, Ethics, and Boundaries."